Will a full size mattress fit in a dumpster?

Yes, when you rent a trash bin, you can place any old mattress and household waste inside the same container, as long as none of the items are prohibited in your area and you don't overfill the container. Call us today at 713-785-8050 to discuss renting one of our rolling containers for your work. We'll help you answer more questions about how to put a mattress in a trash bin so that we can schedule service at your location. You'll need to transport the mattress itself, which will normally require a large vehicle.

You may have to pay a fee for the landfill to accept the mattress. If you're supporting a large cleaning project in your home where mattresses are only part of the equation, then you should consider renting a rolling dump. We'll also answer if you can throw a mattress in a trash can and how you can find an even easier option to dispose of the mattress. However, keep in mind that some municipalities have local waste ordinances that may prevent mattress and trash collection companies or garbage container rental services from disposing of certain items that are normally accepted.

We'll also discuss what to do about it, even if you can put a mattress in a garbage bin, such as a roll-up bin that is rented through Gainsborough Waste. Make sure you can dispose of a mattress in the rental garbage bin before throwing it there. We'll deliver a rolling container to your location so that you and your team can throw each mattress in one place. It is also possible to break down a mattress by hand and recycle the parts.

You can search for an instructional video on YouTube or an online guide like this one from Budget Dumpster. If throwing away your mattress is part of a larger remodeling or cleaning project, you can have access to a roll-up container for rent.

Kristin Bessette
Kristin Bessette

Certified internet fanatic. Incurable internet practitioner. General bacon fanatic. Total pizza guru. Award-winning zombie scholar. Proud travel maven.