What is the purpose of a dumpster?

The main purpose of a dumpster is to store garbage until a garbage truck empties and disposes of it. Garbage containers can be used for all types of waste or for recycling. Roll-up containers, while simple in design, are invaluable in terms of function and convenience. These containers are the perfect waste management solution for a variety of needs, and could be considered unsung heroes, as they keep shredders of all types clean and organized, until it's time to take the container full.

There are also construction waste bins designed for specific uses. A garbage bin allows you to remove garden debris and compounds from the soil, while certain containers are designed to handle clean concrete, bricks and asphalt. These large, open-top trash bins can serve multiple purposes and are generally rented by companies on a temporary basis.

Kristin Bessette
Kristin Bessette

Certified internet fanatic. Incurable internet practitioner. General bacon fanatic. Total pizza guru. Award-winning zombie scholar. Proud travel maven.