Do i need to clean out my dumpster before it is picked up?

Put on your rubber gloves, take out the trash as usual, and then go one step further, making sure to remove any food particles or debris that may have fallen into the can itself. Once you've collected the trash, quickly rinse the trash can with the garden hose and leave the lid open to dry for about an hour. This will remove any liquid from leaks that may have occurred in the trash cans. Wondering how often you should clean your trash can? The answer is to clean the bin and disinfect it at least once a month or when there is a leak or a bad smell.

Put on rubber gloves to avoid contact with any harmful bacteria. You should also wear a face mask when emptying the trash can so you don't inhale any of the potentially harmful particles that come off the “breadcrumbs” of the creatures that might have left you. When the pieces from last week's barbecue are no longer stuck to the surface of your trash can, empty all the water in it.

Kristin Bessette
Kristin Bessette

Certified internet fanatic. Incurable internet practitioner. General bacon fanatic. Total pizza guru. Award-winning zombie scholar. Proud travel maven.